Neoliberal Spatial Governance
Phil University of Cambridge and 1 more
Not Available
Ideology, Political Transitions and the City
Aleksandra Hafencity University Hamburg and 1 more
Sustainable Regeneration of Former Military Sites
Samer University of Brighton and 1 more
Brand-Driven City Building and the Virtualizing of Space
Alexander Gutzmer
The Empty Place
Teresa University of Sheffield and 1 more
Heteroglossic Asia
Francis ChiaHui Taylors University and 1 more
Deconstructing Placemaking
Mahyar University of Cincinnati and 1 more
Public Space and Relational Perspectives
Chiara Tornaghi
Shaping Jerusalem
Francesco Gran Sasso Science Institute and 1 more
Markets, Politics and the Environment
Barry Sheffield Hallam University and 1 more
The Architecture of Phantasmagoria
Libero Andreotti and 2 more
Unfinished Places: The Politics of (Re)making Cairo’s Old Quarters
Gehan Selim
The Robust City
Tony Griffith University and 2 more
Building the Inclusive City
Nilson Ariel Espino
Planning Urban Places
Mary Ganis
Territorial Governance across Europe
Peter Associate Professor and 2 more
Shaping Portland
Paddy Portland State University and 1 more
Actor Networks of Planning
Yvonne Rydin
Place and Placelessness Revisited
Robert Freestone
Derek Thomas
Paris Under Construction
Jacob Paskins
Planning and Citizenship
Luigi Mazza
Philip Allmendinger
Unfinished Places
Public Space Unbound
Sabine Knierbein
Capital Cities
Vadim Joseph Rossman
Libero Andreotti and 1 more
Planning for a City of Culture
Shoshanah GoldbergMiller
Politics, Planning and Housing Supply in Australia, England and Hong Kong
Nicole University of Sydney and 4 more
Francesco Chiodelli
Revolt and Reform in Architecture's Academy
William American Institute of Architects and 1 more
Waterfronts Revisited
Heleni CNR ICVBC and 1 more
Barry Goodchild
Samer Bagaeen and 1 more
City Branding
Alberto Vanolo
Planning for a Material World
Laura Lieto
Urban Planning’s Philosophical Entanglements
Richard S Bolan
Paddy Tillett
Participatory Design Theory
Oswald Hasselt University and 1 more
The Metaphysical City
Rob Sullivan
Lost in the Transit Desert
Diane Jones Allen
Tokyo Roji
Heide Imai
The Virtual and the Real in Planning and Urban Design
Claudia University of Groningen Yamu
Planning Australia's Healthy Built Environments
Jennifer Kent and 1 more
Planning for Greying Cities
TzuYuan Stessa Chao
Heritage-led Urban Regeneration in China
Jing Xie and 1 more
Cognition and the Built Environment
Ole Möystad
Unplugging the City
Fábio Pontifícia Universidade Católica and 2 more
Rebuilding Afghanistan in Times of Crisis
Adenrele Awotona
American Colonisation and the City Beautiful
Ian Morley
Sabine Knierbein and 1 more
Moralising Space
Matthew Wilson
Re-interpreting the Relationship Between Water and Urban Planning
Maria Chiara Pastore
Race, Faith and Planning in Britain
Richard T Gale and 1 more
Robert E Sullivan
Social Economics and the Solidarity City
Brendan Murtagh
Dealing With Deindustrialization
Margaret Cowell
Evolving Public Space in South Africa
Karina University of Pretoria and 1 more
Oswald Devisch and 2 more
The Narrative Turn in Urban Planning
Lieven University of Turku and 1 more
Planning Australia’s Healthy Built Environments
Jennifer The University of Sydney and 2 more
The City in Geography
Benedict Anderson
By-Right, By-Design
Liz Falletta
Economic Incentives in Sub-Saharan African Urban Planning
Kwasi Gyau Baffour Awuah
Smart Design
Richard Hu
Urban Renewal and School Reform in Baltimore
Erkin Özay
Planning within Complex Urban Systems
ShihKung Tongji University and 1 more
China’s Railway Transformation
Junjie University of Liverpool and 2 more
Lieven Ameel
New York in Cinematic Imagination
Vojislava Filipcevic Cordes
Kwasi University of Salford and 1 more
Street-Naming Cultures in Africa and Israel
Liora Bigon and 1 more
The City in Transgression
Benedict Designer and 2 more
The City Makers of Nairobi
Anders Ese and 1 more
Cities and Metaphors
Somaiyeh Falahat
Transnational Architecture and Urbanism
Davide Politecnico di Milano and 1 more
Post-Socialist Urban Infrastructures (OPEN ACCESS)
Tauri Tuvikene
Making Prestigious Places
Mario Politecnico di Milano and 1 more
Ian The Chinese University of Hong Kong and 1 more
Adenrele University of Massachusetts and 1 more
Regeneration, Heritage and Sustainable Communities in Turkey
Muge Middle East Technical University and 1 more
Cultural Mega-Events
Zachary M Jones
Public Infrastructure, Private Finance
Demetrio Muñoz Gielen
Richard University of Canberra and 1 more
Identity in Post-Socialist Public Space
Bohdan Cherkes and 1 more
Smart Cities in Poland
Izabela JonekKowalska and 1 more
Victorian Cemeteries and the Suburbs of London
Gian Luca Amadei
Waterfront Design in Small Mediterranean Port Towns
Giovanna Piga
Sustainable Urban Futures in Africa
Patrick Brandful Cobbinah and 1 more
Remodelling to Prepare for Independence
Co-Creative Placekeeping in Los Angeles
Brettany Shannon and 2 more
Density - A Genealogy
Nikolai Roskamm
Shanghai's Urban Development
Yawei Chen
Australia and China Perspectives on Urban Regeneration and Rural Revitalization
Raffaele Pernice and 1 more
Shrinking Cities in Reunified East Germany
Agim Kërçuku
Lost Informal Housing in Istanbul
Yurdanur Dülgeroglu
Culture and Sustainable Development in the City
Sacha Kagan
Gentrification in Helsinki
Kevin Drain
Contested Airport Land
Irit Ittner and 3 more
Aleksandra Djurasovic
City-Making, Space and Spirituality
Stéphan De Beer
Rebuilding Urban Complexity
Francesca Froy
The Protection of Green Spaces for Climate Change Adaptation
Maciej J Nowak
Participatory Spaces Under Urban Capitalism
Markus Holdo
Inclusion and Exclusion of the Urban Poor in Dhaka
Rasheda Khan
Exclusion in Smart Cities
The Green Belt, Housing Crises and Planning Systems
Charles Edward Goode
Displaced Urbanism
Gihan Karunaratne
Resilient Urbanism
Contracting With Citizens
EW Michiel Stapper